About us
GRUPA INCO S.A. has been present on the Polish market since 1947. It is a fully Polish-owned and privately owned company. It has manufacturing plants in different parts of Poland, employing a total of almost 800 people. The company headquarters is in Warsaw. The company is well-known for its manufactures household chemical products, garden fertilisers and plastic packaging. We also owned and rent out different type of real estates.. GRUPA INCO S.A. is the owner of many popular and renowned Polish brands, including: Ludwik, Ludwik Ekologiczny, BIOstar Cleaning Products, Biofos, Buwi, Florovit and Azofoska. By continuously investing in its infrastructure, the company is able to maintain the highest quality of its products, while also constantly expanding its range. The assortment of goods produced by GRUPA INCO S.A. is highly regarded both in Poland and abroad. The best proof of this comes from the growth in exports of our products to the European Union and the countries of Eastern Europe.